Date Formatting
We have tables and charts which contain date fields from SQL Server in the data source. Currently when downloading the chart from the dashboard view to CSV this exports the date correctly as a date format, however when exporting to Excel this field exports as a text field and therefore filtering and sorting in excel doesn't really work without converting all of the columns.
I have tried in the data source so cast the field and convert to different formats but this still seems to export to excel as a text field.
The ideal scenario is that in PI the date will show in tables and on charts in the format dd/MM/yyyy without a time element, however when exported to excel this column is exported as a date field type. Please can you advise the best way to do this?
Thank you
Open Jun 15, 2022 - 04:29 PM
Oct 25, 2022 - 02:11 PM
The short answer is learn to hate Excel - The way it handles dates is at best random unfortunately. We actually output as text but Excel makes it's own mind up. You can play with the date formats in pi to get something that may play better with excel.
My real question is why export to Excel?? Why not do what you need in pi?
Oct 25, 2022 - 02:15 PM
The short answer is learn to hate Excel - The way it handles dates is at best random unfortunately. We actually output as text but Excel makes it's own mind up. You can play with the date formats in pi to get something that may play better with excel.
My real question is why export to Excel?? Why not do what you need in pi?
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